In September 2015, 193 countries came together to ratify a set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to serve as a roadmap towards a more sustainable future for the world. Scana actively uses this road map to fight for a more sustainable planet. At this point Scana and its portfolio companies have selected four goals to guide our everyday work.
As a global company, we are committed to transparency, being reliable and always respecting international agreements and local legislation where we operate. We are also inspired and driven by global efforts to solve some of the world’s most pressing issues.

Goal 5 – Gender equality
- Strong focus on gender equality, and to prevent any kind of discrimination.
- Zero tolerance policy with regards to discrimination and violence, included in our code of conduct
- Actively seek gender equality through employment of both genders.
- Allowing for equal rights to maternity/paternity leave
- Policies for equal pay for equal work
Goal 8 – Decent work and economic growth
- Our companies are developed in a stable and profitable way, based on a good ethic and moral
- Proof of equal pay for work of equal value
- Establish a diverse work force including equal opportunities for all women and men, inclusive for young people and persons with disabilities
- Strategy for young workers
Goal 12 – Responsible consumption and production
- Focus on reducing waste and establishing targets for energy management
- Adopting sustainable practices throughout the company, and integrating sustainability information into our reporting cycle
- Using renewable energy in its production and will emphasize subcontractors to use renewable energy sources.
- All steel used by Subseatec is recycled. High quality products results in long lifetime. Extending lifetime on customer’s equipment
Goal 13 – Climate action
- Our Engineering department to focus on sustainable solutions
- Ambitions to reach circular status in the production process
- Our companies actively works to limit emissions, waste to landfills and other negative environmental impacts.
- Solar panels collect clean renewable energy in the form of sunlight and convert that light into electricity which are used to provide power for electrical loads – PSW both uses solar panels on own locations, as well as sell the solutions.
From trash to treasure by our steel expert Subseatec.
Seasystems continues search for sustainability.